Solid Edge with ST2

Posted by - June 26, 2009
This summer Siemens PLM Software is set to launch the second Solid Edge release based on its new Synchronous Technology.…

South of the river

Posted by - July 31, 2009
As the financial crisis hits all areas of the industry, Stephen Holmes heads to one of the Capital's most CAD…

PLM – What’s in a name?

Posted by - July 31, 2009
It’s everywhere, it’s overused and it’s a marketing buzzword, but it also holds the key to developing, producing, and supporting…

Al goes to Korea: Day # 1

Posted by - September 8, 2009
It starts with a phone call from Peter, an good friend and industry marketing wizard. “Hello Alistar, would you like…

IronCAD Next Generation

Posted by - September 11, 2009
IronCAD has been a leader in direct modelling methodologies for many years, but the latest release sees this enhanced with…

The Mac is back

Posted by - October 9, 2009
Apple has always been popular in 'creative' industries, but now there is growing interest from the world of product development.…