Synchronous Technology: A taster

Posted by - May 8, 2008
So, everyone’s talking about Siemens and its Synchronous Technology recently. While many are talking about it, details are scant and…

Think3 are back – YAY!

Posted by - May 12, 2008
Its with no certain amount of shear, unadulterated joy that I can announce that think3 are back. For those that…

Seize the data

Posted by - May 29, 2008
ESI Group is driving the industry trend to give order to the seemingly endless pit that is becoming enterprise CAE…

Acrobat 9 Unveiled

Posted by - June 4, 2008
On Monday of this week, Adobe launched its now yearly update to its Acrobat digital document tool. I have been…

NX 6

Posted by - July 11, 2008
Alongside the Synchronous Technology launch, Siemens PLM also updated its two product development applications, Solid Edge and NX. This month…

The trouble with PDM

Posted by - August 1, 2008
Making the decision to deploy a Product Document Management (PDM) system seems easy enough. To actually pick the correct system,…

Joining the dots

Posted by - August 25, 2008
Ping Fu is CEO of Geomagic, one of the leading Digital Shape Sampling and Processing (DSSP) companies. Its software enables…

Dassault Systemes: Beyond Catia

Posted by - September 24, 2008
Over the past few years, Dassault Systemes' has seemingly been constantly reshaping and innovating its business and product lines in…