Pedal Power

Posted by - February 19, 2009
Frances Corbet talks to Richard Thorpe, founder of Karbon Kinetics about how he went from a one-man band with a…

Who cares about Autocad?

Posted by - March 2, 2009
Autodesk is about to release a new version of AutoCAD. In these days of dedicated design and manufacturing systems, why…

Delcam FeatureCAM 2009

Posted by - March 6, 2009
Production Machining is about one thing - speed. Getting your tool-paths created, verified and on to the machine cutting metal…

SpaceClaim 2009

Posted by - March 10, 2009
DEVELOP3D's editor, Al Dean, looks at the latest release of SpaceClaim, the system that brought Direct Modelling back to the…

SolidWorks World 2009

Posted by - March 18, 2009
February's annual SolidWorks user jamboree in Orlando achieved a surprising mass of attendees considering the economic environment. SolidWorks fan boy,…

Dell Precision M2400

Posted by - March 20, 2009
Unrivalled portability for a workstation-class laptop makes it a true 'mobile' platform for CAD, though 3D performance is limited under…