The year ahead: #7 Josh Mings

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We asked 13 movers, shakers and thinkers from different industry sectors what they reckon the big trends, developments and challenges will be in their sector in the coming year. This is what they had to say:

Josh Mings – Editor at SolidSmack and co-founder of EvD Media

Josh Mings

“While my number one desire is to see advancement in snacking devices for the desk bound, I fear that will be delayed while we come to grips with how to use 3D software on Windows tablets.

Tablet computers have been around for over a decade but somehow with the iPad came the idea of pushing 3D geometry on the tablet device. Three years, a few novel apps and a load of viewers later, iPads won’t be needed for full-blown cadding about. Now, there are the Microsoft tablets.

If played right, Microsoft has the professional market to tap and with it, a future in need of data accessibility and security for an IT infrastructure that few companies will be prepared for. While still trying to be novel and not just fancy laptops with touchscreens, it does bring up interesting thoughts about how developers will improve the way in which we interact with 3D geometry and control the data that drives it.

Oh, and 3D printers; there’ll be some more of those things.


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