We asked 13 movers, shakers and thinkers from different industry sectors what they reckon the big trends, developments and challenges will be in their sector in the coming year. This is what they had to say:
Gustavo Fontana – industrial designer, Boston, US

Accessible design tools in terms of trial, pricing and ubiquity are becoming an expectation.
Relevance, collaboration and exploratory inquiry are now more important than formal design presentations.
A napkin sketch shared via a smartphone, or a marked up photo shared via an iPad are more common than a gorgeous ‘Cintiq-Made Poster’. In 3D, a fast way to capture and share realtime CAD progress is king.
The biggest competition to all 3D rendering/visualisation tools is already ‘Gotomeeting’ at whatever quality the viewport can give without asset preparation or other time sinks.
The future is lightweight and nimble.