WorkXplore 2018 R2 speeds up file opening and updates help functionality

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Colour has been added to enhance surface faces

Vero has released an updated version of WorkXplore, completely updating its online help in the latest version to include new icons along with dialog and menu screen captures, to aid users recognise where they are in the help file.

The software was created to efficiently import and analyse all file types and sizes at high speed – taking up to less than half the time to open a file compared to the original CAD application – with the time saved better put to use.

2018 R2 displays RGB colour for sheets, added into the software’s Face Information dialog.
Enhancements have been made to add more flexibility to operations, such as the introduction of the capability to define the rotation by vector, instead of two points, in the view management.

The new Triangles option, showing object tessellation


A new ‘Triangles’ option shows or hides the current tessellation in the Change Entity Display menu, with current shading remaining optionally displayed on the screen if the ‘Triangles’ flag is activated by a right mouse click on the relevant entity.

Additionally, the STEP Export function saves the model with respect to the active co-ordinate system – if the current system axis is different from the absolute one the enhancement means components can be translated relative to the co-ordinate system of the workplane.

Finally, WorkXplore 2018 R2 continues the software’s tradition of updating format support for around 25 systems. The main new capabilities include:

DXF/DWG support for 2018 files
Solid Edge ST10 Version support
SOLIDWORKS 2018 Version support
UG NX NX12 Version support

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