Watch // Repurposing F1 cars as art

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To celebrate the career of F1 driver Jenson Button, Channel 4 commissioned former F1 race team chief mechanic Alastair Gibson, who now produces works of art under the studio moniker Carbon Art 45, to produce him a sculpture.

Made from a wide range of car parts from Button’s racing history, Gibson created a manta ray-type creature complete with rotating geared plinth.

It’s an interesting way of encapsulating a career within a sculpture, and its very personal nature (Gibson was chief mechanic at BAR Racing when Button won the World Championship) make this a work of automotive art without making it representing a car.

A sneaky closer look at the bespoke piece for @jensonbutton_22 ,revealed today on @channel4 /// #alastairgibson #carbonart45 #art #sculpture #carbonfibre #f1lovers #inspiredbynature #jmanta #mantaray #brawngp #bespoke #jb22

A photo posted by Alastair Gibson (@alastairgibsoncarbonart) on
