Prime Cuts: Feet meet your treat

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If I had a penny for every time a designer or engineer comes up to me and starts complaining about the state of their plates of meat* I’d be a rich man.

Fear not – we’ve found The Scholl 2in1 Hard Skin Removal System: First the roller ball delivers hyaluronic acid gel to prepare the skin for effective hard skin removal, then three safety blades are angled and arranged for targeted, effective and safe hard skin removal.

Designed in Warwickshire, prototyped in China by a firm owned by a company on Teeside, used on your feet anywhere in the world – Scholl has a truly global product.

DCA Design International were responsible for the product and, in its need for working prototypes for testing, turned to Star Prototypes.

Gordon Styles, managing director of Star Prototype, says: “Certain aspects of this job were particularly demanding, most notably creating the plastic tube that serves as the handgrip for the product and this was its largest part.


“When you mould a plastic tube you do it around a metal core and the plastic always shrinks onto it. The only way of successfully resolving this is to have a hydraulic cylinder on the side of the tool to pull it out, and although this practice is common in final production, the majority of rapid tooling companies shy away from it on the basis that it’s seen as too demanding for prototype work.”

Having navigated that issue, DCA were presented with foot-friendly prototypes that have since made it into production.

*plates of meat = cockney rhyming slang for ‘Feet’

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