New UK workshop is ‘spilling the beans’ on additive manufacturing

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Croft Additive Manufacturing has launched a new industry workshop to support those wanting to find out more about metal 3D printing and its benefits, as well as a chance to get ‘hands-on’ with the production process.

Attendees at the ‘Let’s Spill The Beans’ workshops will be given a detailed introduction to the fundamentals of the technology from one of the UK’s leading metals 3D printing bureaux.

From initial concept and design stage through to the finishing of components, as well as producing parts on one of Croft’s Realizer SLM-250 metal 3D printers, the events will help guide attendees from a wide range of professions.
The workshop will take place at the company’s Warrington headquarters on 9 and 24 August, as well as 8 and 19 September, within its metal additive manufacturing production facility and will be run by company directors Neil Burns MBA and Louise Geekie PhD.

“Our new course will offer a jargon-free, non-academic introduction to the design and manufacturing processes that will be accessible to those with even the most basic understanding of the technology,” said Burns, adding that as an early adopter of metals 3D printing, Croft has amassed a considerable amount of expertise.

“It’s now time to spill the beans and help other businesses realise its potential. This technology is the future of industry, and we want to help introduce as many people as possible to it.”

The course costs £249 +VAT. For more information or to book a place, click here.


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