MaterialCenter 2015 from MSC gives direct integration into CAE tools

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MaterialCentre 2015 offers direct integration into a wide swathe of CAE applications

MSC Software has announced its latest release of MaterialCenter 2015 material process and data lifecycle management solution will have direct integration into a wide swathe of CAE applications.

Users will be able to generate CAE models for the most popular CAE solver directly from MaterialCenter, with support for individual and batch generation of material cards.

CAE material models in MaterialCenter are revisionable and fully traceable, with promised out of the box support for Nastran, Ansys, Abaqus, Marc and LS Dyna, as well as MaterialCenter Explorer Integrated Client and MaterialCenter Explorer Desktop Client.

A materials integration tree workflow


The integration should give direct support to retrieve a material model from MaterialCenter without leaving the native pre- and post-processing application of the users choice.

Direct integration is provided for MSC Software tools Patran, SimXpert and Marc Mentat.

MaterialCenter should allow users to capture test methods and standards prescribed by ASTM and ISO, and preserve the pedigree of materials data; enabling designers and engineers to improve product performance by refining tolerances used in designs.

The test date is linked to the design data, providing full traceability across the entire material’s process.

“Traceability of reduction methods and algorithms become difficult when many external applications are used to analyse hundreds of test results,” explains an MSC spokesperson.

“MaterialCenter 2015 addresses these challenges by not only capturing test data, but also integrating with third-party tools such as MATLAB, Python, Java, and others to calculate and capture engineering design values in an automated fashion to improve the speed, efficiency, and management of data analysis.”

Materials test data can be displayed in a variety of 2D formats

MaterialCenter 2015 also looks to enable the user to create and edit material data directly from the browser environment. Along with MaterialCenter’s Excel integration, this provides a completely traceable system to ensure users are aware of all the modifications made to the data.

For those needing 2D plotting capabilities to graphically represent data in a variety of formats, MaterialCenter also provides advanced options including scatter plots, spider plots, pie charts and bar charts.

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