Laminates and composites FEA analysis targeted by MSC Nastran 2018

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Simulating pre-stressing and fan blade out of a jet engine in Nastran 2018

Nastran 2018.0 will bring ‘new assembly modeling techniques’ according to MSC, which will allow for the creation, combination and management of multilevel assemblies for complex structural models.

The FEA tool is targeting the shift towards light weighting and high-strength materials and composites, with tools for managing the noise and vibration accounting for their frequency and spatial dependent properties during the analysis.

Short-Fiber Reinforced Plastics (SFRP) laminates, laminated glass windscreen, laminated metals (two sheets of steel with a viscoelastic damping layer), and carbon fibres are all focussed on in the new release.
“Engineers can now expand the depth of their simulations by accurately implementing the frequency dependent material properties of MSC Nastran 2018.0 for design and noise abatement of automotive and aerospace vehicles,” said a spokesperson, adding that its high performance computing methods can have huge benefits for large model simulation.

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