ExactFlat bundles its 3D to 2D pattern flattening with Gemini CAD’s 2D nesting tools

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The modern interconnected digital processes for manufacturers of apparel, furniture, and other soft goods are advancing at pace, with tools such as ExactFlat providing a means to replace the manual processes in the hyper-competitive market.

This means its good news that the output of ExactFlat’s leading 3D to 2D pattern and graphic flattening environment is now fully compatible with Gemini CAD’s suite of 2D design and nesting capabilities, as well as with Gemini CAD’s innovative technologies for leather or for digital printed goods.

The new bundled solution from Gemini and ExactFlat provides direct integration between the two – from design to cut.

ExactFlat founder Mark Jewell, said: “The transformation to digital patterning gives product designers and manufacturers the power to reshape their entire business model to support better customer relationships and higher profit goals.”

Jewell added that time pressured industries are being forced to customise their products in ways that can only be accomplished through digital processes.


“ExactFlat’s 3D to 2D flattening technology provides our customers in upholstery and inflatables with a fast, accurate solution to generate 2D patterns from objects designed in 3D CAD and integrates seamlessly with Gemini AutomART digital printing technology and Gemini Pattern Designer X17,” said Traian Luca, CEO and co-founder of Gemini CAD Systems.

“We are committed to continue R&D efforts to create pragmatic and innovative solutions with immediate and consistent results in automating design and manufacturing processes.”

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