Automatic 2D drawing generation leads Kisters’ 2017 3DViewStation product line

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Version 2017 of Kisters 3DViewStation Desktop has added ‘advanced’ automatic 2D drawing generation to tackle the legal hurdles still faced by many companies.

According to Kisters, 3DViewStation helps to automatically derive 2D drawings from 3D CAD models by rendering them, performing a ‘true hidden line removal’, a vectorsation and a line reduction before outputting to DXF or SVG.

The 3D CAD viewer and universal viewer for engineers and designers ships with current and mature importers for a broad range of 3D and 2D formats including Catia, NX, Creo, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Inventor, JT, 3D-PDF, STEP, DWG, DXF, DWF, MS Office and many more.
“Today in most cases new products will be designed in 3D, using 3D CAD software packages. We call it the 3D master concept. In the process chain many cases the legally binding document is still a 2D drawing, containing several section views, dimensions, tolerances, a title block including some metadata data and version information.” said Jim Eardly, Kisters North America sales manager.

“The challenge we are faced is keep the effort low to create such 2D drawings and still provide the quality demanded.

It is possible to combine several views of the same model on a single drawing, to arrange objects to blocks and layers and to use drawing templates with title blocks for the output.”

The software is available as Desktop, ActiveX and HTML5 WebViewer product-versions.


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