Bottle it

Posted by - February 23, 2011
From water and soda to beer and gin, Stephen Holmes can certainly hold his drink with the latest in reusable…

The art of parts

Posted by - March 2, 2011
Kramski, one of the world's leading tooling and parts manufacturers, optimised its product development processes and improved product quality with…

The power of Pi

Posted by - March 2, 2011
The PiCycle is a new breed of electric bicycle. Designed and manufactured in California, it is being touted as a…

Comsol Multiphysics 4.0

Posted by - March 11, 2011
While the heavy simulation tools used for FEA or CFD have been widely adopted, systems simulation is still a relatively…

The Brad Peebler inteview

Posted by - May 10, 2011
Based in Silicon Valley, Luxology has taken the design visualisation world by storm with its 3D software and strong partnerships…