solidThinking Inspired 8.0

Posted by - January 11, 2010
Al Dean test drives a relatively unknown modelling tool from Italy and gets to grips with an innovative new technology…

Listen Up

Posted by - February 9, 2010
WeSC is a street-fashion brand for intellectual slackers, so says its company tagline. But there is nothing slack about its…

Glorious bastards

Posted by - February 12, 2010
Comvert, the alternative fashion company that makes clothing for skateboarders and snowboarders under the 'Bastard' brand took on an ambitious…

Weapons grade fakery

Posted by - March 9, 2010
Ever wondered where the defence industry goes to buy 'day clothes' for its weapons? Stephen Holmes cuts through the red…

Head first

Posted by - May 10, 2010
A revolutionary new motorcycle helmet is being touted as the most significant development in helmet design since full-face protection was…

Creating virtual factories

Posted by - May 11, 2010
Laser scanning and point-cloud data will be widely-used technologies in the coming years. Martyn Day visited Houston to attend the…