i GET IT training

Posted by - November 22, 2012
For many users, training only happens when they first start using a CAD tool, with updates and further learning often…

My new Ford… kind of

Posted by - December 5, 2012
Those nice people at Ford have been at it again, showing off their design and engineering prowess with the launch…

Need for speed

Posted by - January 23, 2013
Brian Coombs bought an old replica Ford GT40 as a kit car some years ago. Now, with help from a…

Scan 3XS GW-HT15

Posted by - February 1, 2013
A quality CAD workstation with excellent performance and a good balance of memory storage

Geomagic Spark — beta test

Posted by - February 4, 2013
In the reverse engineering workflow, the desire to create clean, accurate surfaces from point cloud data is experienced by many,…

solidThinking Inspire 9.0

Posted by - February 14, 2013
Digital optimisation is often done within the bounds of an existing design, using parametric variation techniques. But what if you…